WEF Annual Meeting on Cybersecurity 2023

Event description

Event dates: 13–15 November 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will hold its Annual Meeting on Cybersecurity 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland, congregating over 150 leading cybersecurity experts from business, government, international organisations, civil society, and academia. The meeting aims to bring forth a safer and more resilient cyberspace by facilitating collaboration.

According to WEF’s Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023 released in January, the vast majority of cybersecurity and business leaders anticipated the heightened geopolitical tension to be a catalyst for large-scale, calamitous cyber events in the coming two years. Alongside geopolitical instability is the advancement of transformative technologies like generative AI and a brewing economic crisis.

Against this foreboding backdrop, organisations must address the growing cyber risks with strategic systemic approaches and multistakeholder collaborations. In this vein, the annual meeting provides a venue for leading experts to discuss strategies and foster cooperation.

For more information, please visit the official page.